Sunday, November 13, 2011

Google to announce music service

Apparently this in on the cards they are trying to tie up distribution deals with the publishers. It is probably already a crowded market place. The over walled garden of iTunes, Amazon (which I use), and probably a few others.

The music industry still struggles with having the idea of Digital Download, after all it was a business model that was foist upon them rather than one that they managed to see coming. Maybe things are changing now, and if the only benefit for them is less environmental damage (no physical product to ship and manufacture!) then so be it.

But how different things could have been, had the publishers been willing to see what was coming and get ahead of Tech companies like Google and Apple - they would be much more in control of their destiny. It was laughable how a company like Sony were completely blind sided by the coming of the MP3 - none of their mid 2000s portable players supported it. Nothing like signing your own death warrant and ingnoring market trends.

Having said that I purchased my first CD of the year - yes it still happens occasionally. It was the live Rush Time Machine Live in Cleavland.

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