Friday, May 28, 2010

Economically Inactive

This is a term that has been getting some coverage in recent years. Something like 8 million UK citizens of working age are "economically inactive" - presumably that just means not working.

That's a pretty large number, and for hugely different reasons the government is looking to tackle the welfare bill.

But there's a few problems:
  1. You can't have people take jobs that don't exist. Jobs that they could take tend to be transient and just end up in cycles of benefit reclaiming.
  2. Many people would need schemes and other expensive measures to get them back working.
  3. Although these people might be portrayed as work shy, I genuinely believe the majority would want to work if they could find the right conditions.
So a sad state of affairs and one the new government must come at from the point of view of needing to safe money fast. I do also hate the rubbish talked about "tapping all our talents", it's not as simple as tapping some great unused resource of talent - but somehow our leaders delude themselves that it is.

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