Sunday, May 23, 2010

Book read: The Greatest Show on Earth : The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins

A very detailed but still accessible book about the evidence for evolution. Dawkins targets his audience as including the 40% of Americans who think the Earth is around 10000 years old.

This is wide of the mark, you would have to be a believer to pick up this book in the first place, if you have suffered years of religious mis-teaching it is probably already too late.

But it is a great book, very interesting and full of detail. Dawkins sometimes slips into the role of the prize fighter picking off the Creationist tyranny - but only occasionally does this detract from the presentation of the actual science (something he does much better).

I can well understand his frustration with the Creationist/religious lobby that in turn controls education and what can get taught - so I can forgive his sense of outrage.

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