Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Windows Free (Almost)

A couple of months ago I replaced by 6 year old laptop with a new one from Dell. I wasn't that keen on Vista having used it. My main complaint was just speed, I'd seen it on a good spec laptop just feel so sluggish and that was before any eye candy was turned on.

I was a big fan of Windows XP - it really was Microsoft's best go yet at a home O/S. In the end I bought a Dell preinstalled with Ubuntu (a distro I'd never used before). Overall I'm really pleased and impressed by Ubuntu - they really have simplified Linux installation and package management. I have re-installed to a newer version and there were a few issues getting wireless drivers to work.

I'm not anti-Windows by any means, but what would make me go back? I keep hearing about Windows 7 and I think they could do a lot worse than follow Apples lead of a reliable kernel (why write your own?) and shipping dev tools in the O/S to encourage development on the platform.

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