Saturday, July 5, 2008

Old school photo

I saw an old school photo today from my class in 1978 my first year at school. It was quite strange seeing it especially putting names to faces - some easy some needed thinking about.

There were only about 20 kids, and I remember the class was mixed ages. I think this smaller class size explained why the school closed and merged with one nearby. I remember starting there and the teacher complaining she now had 30 children!

It has to be said life was a lot simpler back then, no computers, mass communication was a thing of the future - we were still living off the last year of a failed Labour government (ring any bells?). Thatcher hadn't happened yet - and the gulf wars were still a long time away. Having said that the country didn't feel like a failure, but then a 5 year old isn't going to be on top of that sort of detail.

One sad story a boy I recognised in the photo I knew died shortly after leaving school. Of course you can never know, but to think from that photo he only had 12 short years left.

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