Monday, June 30, 2008

NHS 10 year plan

The NHS is 60 years old so what a good day to publish a 10 year plan (Stalin would be impressed, he kept himself to 5 years).

I've read the reports of the proposals, better accessibility sounds good although I think it will be a struggle to run 8am-8pm surgeries. One paper I read gave an example of how blood tests are currently done, 1/2 day off work to get a form from your GP, followed by another 1/2 off work to go to a hospital to have the test. So the taxpayer actually funding this hardly gets an efficient service.

But then there are gimmicks, "dashboards" of stats to show what a hospital is like. As with so many other professions when will we learn that quality is so difficult to measure, and in trying to measure it you can affect it (as people chase targets and game the system - they always will).

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