Sunday, July 13, 2014

UK Carriers

Lots of news in the last couple of weeks about the first of the new UK carriers.  Although it is a big achievement to build such vessels - so much has been compromised that their effective usefulness has been limited.  Here is a good article from back in January about some of those compromises:

Christopher Booker has a good article in the Telegraph today about the history of some of the big design decisions for the carriers:

The list is pretty big, a few that stand out:

  1. Not nuclear powered, the carrier(s) will not have enough tanker support from the Navy.
  2. Ski jump to avoid having to install catapults - now only one type of aircraft can be flown, the F35, which itself is in development trouble.  Ignoring of the electric catapult option.
  3. Not enough escort ships to support a single carrier - where-ever it goes most of the Navy will have to follow.  There are only 6 Type 45's.

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