Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Film: Star Trek into Darkness Directed by J J Abrams

I honestly do not know where to start with this one.  The sequel to the relaunch of the franchise.  It amplifies all the bad points of the original but in such a way to make watchable film - every point leaving you waiting for the next completely absurd or improbably scene or setting.

The main problems all centre around Kirk, a bone headed captain that somehow the starfleet seniors see some potential in.   The start of the film sees him in a contrived situation violating the Prime Directive.  So I thought that would see him in prison for the rest of the film - but he seemed to escape that.  It looks like he is about to get sent back to the academy for some much needed qualifications - but then a major incident breaks out - that keeps him centre stage.

The film then goes into chasing a renegade terrorist type, who is well played by Benedict Cumberbatch - he adds some much needed acting skills and credibility to the cast.

He is later revealed as Khan from the original series - so this sees the new franchise seeking safety in the success of the past.  The Khan homage is completely overdone toward the end of the film - reversing the Spock/Kirk death scene when Kirk has to sort out the warp drive alignment.  In the original this involved Spock and some serious precision work - in this one Kirk has to kick a coil into "alignment" - like something out of a Doom game.  Of course this isn't the end of Kirk though - an opportunity missed by the script writer!

There is so much in the film that is laughable and contrived but it kept me watching to see where they would ransack next from the Star Trek history.

I can't wait for the next one!

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