Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wikipedia donation

Over Christmas I made my first ever donation to Wikipedia. I had been meaning to when they first started running the campaign a couple of years ago. I suppose what stopped me was the additional problem of setting up a PayPal account - I just about justified it to myself by thinking that account might come in handy in future (in general I like to limit the number of services I use, and only commit to signing up to something if I think I am going to make good use of it and check on it regularly - PayPal was borderline for that criteria)

So I made my small donation, when you read about the number of servers they have compared to the big corporations it is incredibly small. Of course they are serving mostly static content, but it seems a small number even for that.

The thing that made me donate was the fact that it is the first place I turn to for initial facts on something, and the articles are usually very high quality. If Wikipedia was pay for then I probably would - but I hope it never goes down that route. Of course this raises the question of how can any web enterprise ever be viable if it was not for a benevolent owner with deep pockets - but that is another question.

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