Friday, August 26, 2011


I was walking through my local shopping centre today and something struck me that I had not considered before. People were buying and consuming even though they were not in shops but just walking along. It felt like every other person was on their phone, talking over some vital detail with someone or just looking at their handset.

So all consuming bandwidth, I thought of this as I walked past one of the many mobile phone shops which had a back to basics advert with a blackboard listing their bandwidth capacity deal.

A commodity that is cheap at the moment, but bound to get more expensive as we all demand more of it? It has to be as surely there is a finite capacity we are talking about here, and as we find more ways to consume it. Those are fast growing, films on demand, ever more capable mobile phones that are always connected to the internet.

Maybe the telcos/ISPs will get the last laugh here, an industry that singularly failed to make money off the services running over their wires - maybe as the commodity becomes scarce they will be able to charge more money. We'll all be addicted to it by then, too much to change our habits?

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