Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kindle Purchase

After thinking about it for a long time I've purchased an Amazon Kindle. Mainly because I managed to convince myself I could get enough use out of it and also to have a reader on which I could read out of print books or books that I would not want to take up space with in my house.

Initial impressions are good, the display is very crisp and paper like - the experimental browser is also ok - good enough to download a book from Guttenberg. I did not get the 3g version, the wireless version was good enough for my needs. Setting up the networking was also quite painless.

I am a little wary of Amazon becoming like Apple in their device lock in and increasingly using it as a channel into which to sell things. I will certainly try purchasing a book to read on it, but I cannot see it being my main use of the device.

As a company I like Amazon, the least evil of the big commercial corporates - but time will tell on this.

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