Sunday, January 24, 2010

BBC Freeview HDTV

There maybe a DRM component to the HD broadcasts the BBC puts on Freeview. The theory is that content providers will not be happy unless there is some protection of their content.

All this will probably imply decoder upgrades for the sector of the public that is happy with the Freeview service.

That's just not fair. I do not expect that the BBC will have premium HD content as in the latest films or dramas just as they do not now for SD content. If I wanted that I'd go elsewhere...

But I do want to be able to buy a TV or decoder and choose from a range of suppliers who have all been able to compete on open standards. As far as I am concerned that is what my license fee was for.

The same discussion was had over codecs for iPlayer - the BBC eventually got hounded into making sure that could be multi platform. The uproar here was more the "Windows only" of the initial trials but a similar principle applies here.

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