Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lost Generation?

Plenty of coverage in the news this week about how tough it is for current graduates to get jobs. I have plenty of sympathy, I remember the job market of the early 90s was tough.

I saw one interview where the graduates almost had a "because I've done this I should be able to get a job in this area" attitude. I know that will not be true of most graduates and media always picks extreme cases to get a story but it did seem to be slightly warped logic - there are no guarantees in life no matter how much it would be nice to have them.

I think the larger worry for the UK is that we have expanded higher education without much thought for what we were actually teaching. Consequently our skill base is probably skewed and inappropriate for what industry would consider were the needs. We have also let other equally valuable training and education opportunities dwindle (the often talked about apprenticeships or work based training).

The lost generation tag is a little over played though, but a generation that has to compromise a little in career choice? Not such a headline but closer to the truth.

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