Saturday, March 28, 2020

Crisis: Store for war

Well the measures for restrictions on movement and what businesses could be open were getting ever tighter.   Panic buying in the shops and general chaos.
It shows how fine tuned supply lines are (fine tuned for company profit), they can't flex very easily when there is change in environment and demand.  Still it is unprecedented times, would a company necessarily be expected to devote planning for effective wartime conditions?

I felt bad cancelling a hair appointment, but within a few days those businesses were shut.  It feels you can't over react in this crisis.

I think most people "get it" and will reign in their behaviour, for once it is not about "them" and their liberty but rather the wider social good.

Government policy has being swift and fast, but I fear that is the easy bit.  Organising it and getting it out there probably won't be so easily done.

The title of this post comes from the submarine signals in times of crisis, it's short and concise and leaves you under no illusions.

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