Sunday, May 8, 2016

Great place to work - really?

If you did not already know the 2016 "best workplaces" in the United Kingdom has been announced.

In second place are McDonalds which may have some good ethics internally but is a blight on society by pushing unhealthy eating and leaving wider society with the bill.

Also high at fourth place is Cisco, claiming around 3200 people in the UK.  Most of these will be from the disastrous take over of NDS.  Most of those people are made to feel like the US corporate has a gun to their head - the minute results are bad they start firing.

I wonder how much employees are coerced into providing good feedback, I remember one time at Cisco the UK director leaving a global voice mail on everyone's phone "reminding" them of what a great culture Cisco was.

Nothing could be further from the truth!  Narcissistic self-obsessed management, too much internal infighting meant that the company was slowly dying and surviving off buying out competition that looked a threat and then proceeding to run that down!

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