Sunday, March 6, 2016

Anatomy of a US corporate: Cisco

A feature of big US companies is the off shoring of large amounts of profit that they do not want to bring back to the US and face taxation on. Although never explicitly stated companies like the networking behemoth are continually acquiring companies in Europe as they seek to do something useful with the money. The intent is usually to take out a competitor, move into new market segments, and initially believing they can integrate the offering into Cisco's product line up.

Cisco are by no means the only company doing this, they have arguably being more successful than others but have had some spectacular failures in big acquisitions in recent years. Having being in one such take over I'll do a few blog posts analysing what happened and why they failed. One thing Cisco were not short of was confidence in their ability to integrate new business units, to the point of making you believe it was a well oiled machine. The truth is really a company that only runs on it's margins and numbers, completely over obsessed with how much profit can be extracted from the newly acquired entity.

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