Sunday, November 16, 2014

Film: Interstellar directed by Christopher Nolan

This film is getting rave reviews, "film of the year" type of praise.  I loved the idea of the authentic physics and space scenes.

Those scenes really make the film - they are 2001-esque and it is good to see this type of cinema being attempted now effects have moved on so much.

That is the high point, the rest is a cluttered plot that tries to do too much and leaves nothing to the viewers imagination.  It is certainly not Prometheus bad but it is still a bit of a let down.

My main problems were:

  • The first hour dwelling completely on the decline of earth and the impending death of the population.
  • A convoluted finding of NASA by the pilot turned farmer.  Even NASA in their diminished state could probably have given this guy a call or found him if he was that suitable!
  • The completely contrived love interest, that really did not need to be there.
  • Matt Damon turning up just to play a treacherous dweeb - he really did not need to be in the film.
  • Overly long effects heavy explanation of the "ghost" toward the end of the film.
Things I liked:
  • The space scenes and settings, really well done.
  • The on board computers, clearly a take on 2001 HAL but more interesting.
  • No compromise on the hard facts of space travel, and time dilation.

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