Thursday, December 26, 2013

Book read: A Captain's Duty by Richard Philips

I saw the film adaptation of this with Tom Hanks a couple of months ago.  It was a really tense gripping film that described the hijacking of an American container ship by Somali pirates.  It did a good job of also trying to explain the two sides of the story - although it did become a bit of a recruiting vehicle for the US navy toward the end.

I've now read the book account and that is just as interesting.  It has lots of background detail of how Phillips became a captain, and I found that fascinating.  The description of the hijack is equally good, how he prepared the crew beforehand, how quick thinking he had to be to stall and disrupt the pirates.

A really good read, and an eye opener into the merchant sailor world - something we all rely on but few people realise the threats they face. 

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