Sunday, October 20, 2013

Social Media Sign Up

I've always shunned social media, I suppose not for any deep ideological reason - but just the inevitable consequences of a free service needing to ride on the back of the data you provide to earn money from advertising.  It creates a race-to-zero pressure to always be "innovating" (read taking liberties with your personal information) on the provider.

Of course if social media were "pay-for" I would not use it either, and I know it is up to the user how much information they are prepared to divulge.

But now as a consiencious objector of sorts I face a new threat.  I use the e-mail of a well known provider who also happens to offer a social media element.  But now almost every time I login it feels like there is a new "trick" to try and get me to accidentally sign up to their service.  Obviously as a user I'd like a button that says "not now, not ever" - but there is no way the provider would offer that, they lose an oppourtunity to catch me out.

I'm wondering how long I can hold out for...

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