Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Film: Crimson Tide Directed by Tony Scott

A tense submarine thriller about a old school sub captain played by Gene Hackman and his XO played by Denzil Washington.

They are sent on patrol in a Trident nuclear submarine, with the backdrop being Russian rebels gaining control of nuclear weapons.

The film centres around the tension between the captain and XO, this boils over when a message is received for launch, a subsequent message is corrupted that may cancel the order. The captains wants to see things through (a little improbable!), and the XO wants to acquire the news message.

Not a bad film, a lot of poetic license and stretching of authenticity. It is no surprise they end up with a Russian sub trailing them with the amount of noise that was happening on board. Also the sonar displays are not authentic, they are portrayed as radar scopes - presumably what the viewer would relate to more easily.

But the main plot of the film is sound, the moral decision of whether to see through the order or seek confirmation.

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