Sunday, October 25, 2009


Almost missed this great documentray on BBC4 with the stupidest ever title.

A really well presented history of one of the Intel founders Robert Noyce who died shortly after retiring in 1991. He was a pioneer of integrated circuits and really a founder of much of what Silicon Valley lives off today. In some ways in the right place at the right time, studying just as the transistor revolution was about to occur - he was a driven man, breaking away from a research group that could not see the point of the integrated circuit.

Working for Fairchild and then founding Intel, he took the fledgling company through some difficult times in the 60s and 70s. Classic lack of investment by the US saw Intel dropping out of memory production but staying the course with micro processors.

A really great history, I'd never heard of him like so many other people - but the industry owes him a huge debt.

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