Sunday, May 10, 2009

(Almost) Feeling Sorry for MPs

I'm almost feeling sorry for the MP's over their expense fraud, ok not fraud but "gaming" the current too lax rules.

The papers have really picked on the cases that are clear abuses and are beyond the spirit of the current rules. But I think this will be a minority of MPs - well at least I hope it is. I can imagine many MPs hand this kind of thing off to their accountants who will play the rules on behalf of the client. In the real world the revenue are always adjusting rules to close loop hole exploits. But it is hard to think of a profession where 50% of your earnings are from expenses (on top of an already reasonable public service salary).

It does however send a clear message to our elected representatives, this episode has gone down very badly in the wider country, and a lot of respect will have been lost.

Difficult to know how to repair the situation, better regulation, more open systems of expenses will work in the future - but do not really do much to mend the damaged reputations.

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