Monday, April 13, 2009

Tech Company Consolidation - part 2

The IBM-Sun takeover seems to have died off, leaving a question of who would fill their place. But it seems rumours of Oracle buying up Sun are building. This also does not sound a bad place for them to go. Oracle despite all their faceless corporate image are big open source users and contributers, certainly in the same league as IBM.

Some concerns for MySQL if the deal does go ahead, I think the purchasing by Sun originally was a strange move. The moves Sun has made in open sourcing many of it's closed technologies is really impressive, but it would be very sad if the company ended up failing without seeing any benefit from doing this. If this were to occur the very question of why open source would be asked by other companies and that is a bad thing. Certainly the business models in an open source market are a long way from being refined, Sun are certainly proving that.

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