Saturday, February 7, 2009

Book read: The audacity of hope by Barack Obama

I think this book will be the most bought book by a politician; I do hope it does not end up like a Brief History of Time where it is only half read.

A really good personal account of his life and political career that gives some really sharp analysis of America's problems and successes and lays out a way forward. I only knew a little about Obama pre-election, I made a point of watching his speech in Berlin. I knew then he was something special, delivering a flawless speech.

An undertone of the book is certainly race, but he readily admits failings as well as areas where minorities have been ill served.

I'm impressed how much Obama knows of the world outside America. This is from his upbringing and living outside the states as a child. He certainly will not be an inward looking president.

A thought provoking book, 8/10.

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