Sunday, June 25, 2017

get_iplayer Script

A great script for downloading things off iplayer.

Great for grabbing the streams if you are going to be offline or on the move.  I think the iplayer apps do let you do this but to a limited extent.

This is the kind of thing BBC should not be too upset about, license fee payers accessing the content they've paid for in a convenient way...

Film: Sully directed by Clint Eastwood

After reading the book I saw the film was cheap on google play, so I gave it a go.

It's pretty authentic to the book although does go into more detail over how the inquiry board doubted that he had to land in the Hudson rather than a emergency runway landing.

Book read: Sully by Chesley Sullenberger

The book about the pilot who landed in the Hudson in 2009 after both engines were taken out by a bird strike.

It's an interesting read about his background and life story, you get to appreciate that pilots of his generation were typically from a military background and were used to dealing with adverse conditions.

World extents (4)

My holiday in Edale extended my world extents a little, the list now reads:

  1. North - Edale UK
  2. East -Brisbane Australia
  3. South - Sydney Australia
  4. West - St Austell UK