Sunday, May 26, 2013

Book read: The Algebraist by Iain M Banks

After having read the author was terminally ill, I decided to try and read one of his novels recommended by a work colleague.

So I read "The Algebraist", a good summary is here Banks revels in both the story telling but also the more comedic and logical conclusions of the fantasy world he constructs. The book is very long - and has a plausible plot, but also likes to draw upon absurdity of the everyday lives of the characters.

I'm not sure if I would read another, it definitely felt like a classic novel though - and deserves a place in the top 100 science fiction novels.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Film: Female Agents directed by Jean-Paul Salomé

A film based on historical events of a special operation to rescue a captured British geologist from France shortly before the D-Day landings.

The rescue happens very early in the film, and with the remainder being devoted to the assassination attempt on the SS guard who is close to working out the methods and location of the landing - essentially the discovery that temporary harbours were to be used.

A good film and account - slightly non descriptive title that makes it sound more plain a film than it turns out to be.

Book read: My Steve by Terri Irwin

I read this book while I was in Brisbane, the day before I visited Australia Zoo.  It is a very heart warming series of anecdotes about Steve Irwin - and puts his life and achievements into perspective as well as describing more about the man behind the name.

He died tragically young but the book gives you the indication that he thought his time was limited, so made the most of the time he had.