Sunday, September 26, 2010

Book read: First Light by Geoffery Wellum

This is actually a book I read back in 2008, but with all the commemarations of the 70th anniversay of the Battle of Britain it seems like a good time to give a review of it.

The book had also been turned into a very good drama by the BBC, who interspersed the drama with interviews of Wellum taken today looking back.

The book details Wellum as a 19 year old pilot in the battle flying Spitfires. Covering his training, assignment to squadron, and then the description of what it was like as a pilot in these times.

They were tough times, hardly a chapter goes by without loss of pilots and you get the sense of what a close run thing the battle was - Britain was barely able to keep a supply of pilots to fly the planes.

Wellum himself survived 18 months of operations before being allowed to go back to a training role, this must be put against the life expectancy of weeks for a typical pilot.

A great read, truly in awe of these guys - and of course a good way to remember those not to have survived, giving their lives so that we can live ours freely.

Liverpool holding company in trouble

A rather ominous sign for Liverpool, there holding company is in financial trouble. It will not see Liverpool themselves go into administration but it is one step along that route.

On the pitch things are not much better, I really feel sorry for Roy Hodgson a really good manager who has arrived at a bad time in their history.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Portsmouth 6 - Leicester 1

When I heard this result on the radio I assumed my new DAB radio must be faulty and I should return it for a new one.

So Portsmouth off the mark in the Championship, after having lost in the League cup to the same team earlier in the week.

Ed Miliband Labour Leader

A bit of a surprise this, mainly achieved by union backing. This Miliband always feels the less polished performer in terms of media, so the coalition must be breathing a sigh of relief.

Maybe a good leader for the next few years in opposition.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Trident Under Review

Again. I find myself agreeing with the Liberal Democrat request to find a cheaper solution. Basing things on proven cruise missiles that are submarine launched sounds like a good idea.

The 24 hour deterrent thing could then be reduced to a "deterrent at sea" stage that could be useful in showing intent if things hot up with Iran.

Not to mention countless billions in savings.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blair Interview

I watched the mid-week interview with the long silent Blair. As usual Andrew Marr did a good interview, presumably a lot of topics and details had been agreed up front.

Interesting all the same, Blair has a book to promote and hence the motivation to explain his years at Number 10.

The extent of the feuding between Blair and Brown was never underplayed in the press, and it sounds like it was a lot worse than reported. Clearly it had an effect on policy, with funding for the wars always a sticking point. Also some interesting things like Brown maybe forcing through pension reform and getting Blair onside with the threat of an investigation into cash for honours.

The Stig Unmasked

I suppose it had to happen some time but the Stig's identity has been revealed. All as part of a book deal to pay the driver some much needed cash for his ailing promotions company apparently.

It looks like he might get dropped from the show though, which is a shame.

As Clarkson might say "Some say he's a former NASCAR driver with a debt problem, all we know is he's called the Stig!"