Monday, December 17, 2007

New England Coach

Well other than not speaking much English I'm sure Capello will be a good thing for the England international team. In all honesty was there a viable English candidate? It turns out there wasn't even an English speaking viable candidate.

Learning English in one month sounds tricky though. Just a few phrases "you're dropped", "you're in", should sort out the basics.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


An announcement today promising an overhauled education system. Interesting in theory but in practice?

Education since I was going through the system seems to have become highly over regulated, almost as if all of the learning has been replaced by targets and league tables. Maybe that's a good thing I really don't know - but the old adage of the act of measuring something affects it's value. I'm sure it's very hard to measure something intangible like a good education - but it looks like we try to.

I just hope this isn't a hot air announcement, I'm still getting over the promise of an integrated transport network in the UK within 15 years, announced 10 years ago - still 5 years to deliver.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Black box driving

The news has had reports of increasing the points penalty for speeding. It's a little harsh, but maybe good if it keeps people aware of limits. Too often though I think just better signs of a speed limit would work just as well, other than fixed/mobile cameras.

But is the day coming where each vehicle has a black box recorder, GPS tracked and speed measured. Each year you would have your road tax automatically include your speeding fines, so it would include everyone not just those who get caught.

Also insurance accident claims, black box recording would provide extra information.

A little far fetched maybe, great revenue earner in the name of 'safety' - more margin for the insurance industry, imagine a quote based on your average speed!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Party funding

The huge fuss over party funding has come up now that Labour have had some donations that made their way through a less than direct route.

I doubt it's the first time for any party and definitely won't be the last. We have to accept that large donations are probably to buy influence or for some later personal gain.

What I think should be avoided is that the taxpayer gets to fund parties - you can just imagine how much that would cost us. Of course then they'd have to work for us, but I wouldn't want to hold them to that.

Far better that occasionally a few red faced MPs have to justify some donations that don't quite meet the rules - cheaper for everyone.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Don't txt and drive

Did a short trip today that involved a bit of slow moving start-stop traffic. I was queued and the lane next to me had stopped suddenly and I heard the squeal of tyres as a car locked up and almost skidded into the back of the car infront. I looked across at the now stopped driver, still holding their mobile phone - probably responding to some vital message.

Unfortunately you see people all the time driving and using their phone. I'm kind of jealous because there's no way I could control a car and do that. But today's incident shows that I'm not alone, there's nothing more important than working the pedals and getting the steering right - surely that phone thing can wait until later.